About Us
Destination Des Moines is a non-profit 501(c)6 organization focused on the promotion and marketing of the City of Des Moines through activities that continue in the vitality of our Waterland Community. Our mission is to help develop awareness of the City of Des Moines as a great place to hold community events, to open and operate a business and assist other organizations in promoting and marketing events.
General membership meetings and board meetings are held the third Monday of each month. All members and nonmembers are encouraged to come to see what is new and upcoming with Destination Des Moines.
John L Scott
22506 Marine View Dr S
2nd Floor, Conference Room
Des Moines, WA 98198
Do you have a business in Des Moines and would like to host a Networking Meeting? This is a fun social event where our active membership can meet, interact, and form business-to-business relationships.
Email: info@destinationdesmoines.org to sign up to host a meeting.
Our Board
Tony Hettler, President (John L. Scott)
Justin Taillon, Vice President, Volunteer Coordinator (Highline College - Hospitality & Tourism Management)
Susan Goegebuer, Treasurer
Meagan Palmer, Secretary
Jill Andrews, Director Communications (Jill Travels Again)
Michelle Fawcett, Director Business (Salon Michelle)
Christie Sanam, Parade Chairperson(Wicked Karma Entertainment)
Kaycee Kiesz
Mark Olson
Sarah Brusig